About Knightswood

Knightswood Holdings Ltd., is a subsidiary company of a publicly traded company listed on the CSE (Canadian Securities Exchange). Knightswood was the first of only two Canadian public companies approved to establish subsidiary businesses for the purpose of facilitating their debt offerings. To date we have formed over 25 subsidiaries.

Knightswood entered the merchant banking business in 1998. Because its clients are subsidiaries of a public company, their debt securities are eligible for registered plans. A registered plan is a registered retirement savings plan, registered education savings plan, registered retirement income fund, or a tax-free savings account.

Our clients who operate subsidiary companies do so independently of Knightswood.  Knightswood does not guarantee and is not otherwise responsible for any of the debts of its subsidiary clients. Knightswood’s arrangement with its subsidiary clients is fee based and limits its risk to the value of its investment in the subsidiary company.  Knightswood does not share in the profits or losses of its subsidiary clients or consolidate their financial statements with Knightswood’s financial statements.

To date, the subsidiary clients of Knightswood have independently raised more than $300 million dollars including from registered plans.  Its important to note the management of each subsidiary client uses the capital they have raised to implement their business plan without input from Knightswood.